Table of Contents

ASCII Protocol Commands

.ab Abort Command

Abort command, terminates the current command and any pending commands.

.al Alert Command

Configures and alerts the user.

.ar Autorun Command

If supported by the reader, this command is used to read/write/delete/execute the AUTO.

.bc Barcode Command

Initiates a barcode read.

.bp Block Permalock transponder Command

This command is used to read or write the block permalock status on supported transponders.

.bl Battery Level Command

Returns Battery level as percentage and Charge status.

.bt Bluetooth® functions

Reads the Bluetooth® address, additionally the Bluetooth® can be reset and configured.

.da Date Command

Reads or sets the date.

.dp User defined switch Double Press action

Reads or sets the double press user action used when “.

.ea Execute Autorun Command (Deprecated)

This command will force the autorun file to run.

.ec Echo

Determines whether commands are echoed back to the host.

.fd Factory Defaults Command

Restores all command parameters to their default settings.

.ft FindTag Command

Performs/configures find transponder using the reader.

.hc HID config Command

Defines settings for HID.

.hd HID configuration for double press switch action

Controls how data is presented when Bluetooth® is configured for HID by the .

.hs HID configuration for single press switch action

Controls how data is presented when Bluetooth® is configured for HID by the .

.iv Inventory Command

Performs an inventory of transponders within the read range of the reader.

.ki Kill command

This command is used to kill transponders.

.lk Licence Key

This command reads, writes and deletes the Licence Key stored in the reader’s non-volatile memory.

.lo Lock command

This command is used to control access to the memory banks and passwords of the selected transponders.

.mt Mount / Dismount internal memory

Mounts or Dismounts the internal memory, when connected via USB, on readers that support internal memory.

.pd Push Switch Double press

Starts a timed software switch double press, this is equivalent to a double press and hold of the hardware switch.

.ps Push Switch Single press

Starts a timed software switch single press, this is equivalent to a single press and hold of the hardware switch.

.ra Read the Autorun File (Deprecated)

Reads the Autorun file, additionally the Autorun file can be deleted.

.rd Read transponder Command

Performs an inventory of transponders within the read range of the reader and then reads the data from the requested bank.

.rl Read the Log file

Reads log file, additionally the log file can be deleted or logging can be turned on or off.

.sa Switch Action Command

Defines what happens when the switch is pressed.

.sh Serial HID Command

Configures the reader to send HID style responses over an SPP link.

.sl . Sleep

This command puts the unit into sleep mode.

.sp User defined switch Single Press action

Reads or sets the single press user action used when “.

.sr Show Region

If supported by the reader, this command reads RF operating region and the permitted output power range.

.ss Switch State Command

Reads the state of the switch

.st Sleep Timeout

Sets the timeout before the reader sleeps if there are no connections to the reader or if no trigger presses occur in HID mode.

.tm Time Command

Reads or sets the time.

.ts Transponder Select

This command is used to set the state of transponders.

.vr Version information Command

Reads the version information from the reader

.wa Write command to Autorun file (Deprecated)

Writes the following command to the end of the Autorun file.

.wr Write transponder Command

This command tries to write data to any transponder that meets the select criteria.

.ws Write Single transponder Command

This command writes data to a single transponder.