Table of Contents

Namespace TechnologySolutions.Rfid


The TechnologySolutions.Rfid namespace provides a high level API for performing RFID tasks. An IReader provides access to a number of IReaderOperations

An IReaderOperation must be added to a reader in its Disabled state. Once it has been added it can be enabled with a call to EnableAsync(). The operation should be disabled with a call to DisableAsync() before being removed from the IReader. An IReader provides an OperationOfType<TOperation>() to obtain a supported instance of the required operation.

Trigger Sources

An IReaderOperation has a ITriggerSource that determines how the operation is triggered. The operation can be manual, software or hardware triggered.

A manual trigger (TriggerIndex = 0) is started with a call to StartAsync() and then stopped with a call to StopAsync()

A hardware trigger (TriggerIndex > 0, IsHardwareTrigger = true) is where the operation is run on the reader itself and the reader operation just listens to the responses from the reader to run the operation.

A software trigger (TriggerIndex > 0, IsHardwareTrigger = false) is run on the host platform in response to changes in the trigger state of the reader.

For Technology Solutions ASCII RFID Readers a TriggerIndex = 1 is a single press of the trigger and a TriggerIndex = 2 is a double press.

An operation also has a TriggerInterval property. If this is set to TimeSpan.MaxValue the operation is only run once per start. For manual and software trigger trigger operations this can be set to a period at which the operation will repeat while it is started.

Types of operation

Operation Trigger Description
IReaderOperationBarcode Hardware Performs a barcode scan in response to a trigger press using the reader's barcode scanner
IReaderOperationBatteryStatus Manual Reports the battery status of the reader on a periodic basis
IReaderOperationFindTag Hardware If the reader supports the .ft FindTag Command then this is used to locate a transponder. Otherwise this falls back to a custom .iv Inventory Command
IReaderOperationHostBarcode Software Can be used to trigger a IHostBarcodeHandler in response to a trigger press on the reader (perform a barcode scan using the host's barcode engine)
IReaderOperationInventory Hardware Perform inventory for the specified transponders using the reader hardware
IReaderOperationTransponders Manual Perform a manually commanded inventory command
IReaderOperationTranspondersAccess Manual Perform a manually commanded tag access command (Read, Write, Lock, Kill, Blockpermalock)

Transponder Actions

A TagFilter is used to specify which transponders should be returned from and inventory.

A TagFields is used to specify what fields per transponder to return as a tag report.

A TagAccess is used to specify what action to perform for each transponder returned (read, write, lock, kill, blockpermalock)

A TagFilterFields combines a TagFilter and TagFields to complete a spec for an inventory operation. This can be used with an inventory type IReaderOperation or converted to an TechnologySolutions.Rfid.AsciiProtocol.Commands command with ToInventory(TagFilterFields, IReaderConfiguration)

A TagAccessFilterFields adds a TagAccess to a TagFilterFields to form a complete specification to perform a tag access command. This can be used with IReaderOperationTranspondersAccess or converted to an TechnologySolutions.Rfid.AsciiProtocol.Commands command with ToTagAccessCommand(TagAccessFilterFields, IAntennaParameterBounds)

These classes are intended to provide a concise way to describe the operation to perform using a fluent style syntax

// TagAccessFilterFields to read TID memory bank where the EPC starts with 11112222
var epcAndTid = TagFilter.ForMemory(MemoryBank.Epc, "11112222", TagMemoryOffset.Epc.Words, 2)
    .Report(TagFields.PC | TagFields.Epc)
    .Read(MemoryBank.Tid, 0, 4);

// TagFilterFields to report the RSSI and EPC of the transponder with EPC 0123456789
var find = TagFilter.ForEpc("0123456789").ForTagFinding().ExpectOne()
    .Report(TagFields.Epc | TagFields.Rssi);



Base class for IReaderOperations


EventArgs to report ReaderOperationState


Extension methods for reader operations


An implementation of IReaderOperationTransponders to perform a transponder inventory manually or commanded from a trigger press


An implementation of IReaderOperationTranspondersAccess that can perform transponder access manually or on a soft trigger


Provides a specification to perform a tag access operation on a EPC Global C1G2 transponder including

This can be combined with a TagFilter (which specifies which tag(s) to access) into a TagAccessFilterFields for use with an IReaderOperationTranspondersAccess

e.g. Read(MemoryBank, int, int, int) to Read the user memory bank starting at word offset 0 for 4 words. Use Access password 0x11223344

TagAccess.Read(MemoryBank.User, /* offset */ 0, /* count */4, /*access password*/ 0x11223344);

Extension methods for TagAccess


Adds a TagAccess specification to the TagFilterFields to specify all the information required to perform a TagAccessOperation on one or more transponders


Declares the transponder or transponders to be returned from an RFID operation

Create a filter to identify transponders with a specific EPC

// Return all the transponders that have EPC '001122334455668877aabbccddeeff' using an output power of 20dBm

// Find the one transponder with the specified serialized TID (manufacturer TID with unique serial number) TagFilter.ForTid(TagMemory.Parse("E280117020001089CCEB08DF")).ForTagFinding().ExpectOne();

// Return all the transponders where the user memory does not start with two blank words TagFilter.ForMemory(MemoryBank.User, "FFFFFFFF", 0, 32).ForInventory().NonMatching();


Extension methods for TagFilters


Extends a TagFilter to include which fields to return per transponder


Provides event data for the IReaderOperationFindTag operation


Represents a block of transponder memory


Represents a collection of transponders reported from an inventory



Helper class to identify the well known fields stored in the MemoryBanks



Defines the bounds for the output power setting


High level abstraction of a reader that uses IReaderOperations to perform tasks


Returns information about an IReader


Represents an operation performed by a IReader


An IReaderOperation that will perform a barcode scan for each press of the specified TriggerIndex

IsTriggerHardware is true TriggerIndex can be set before the operation is enabled. This is a hardware trigger operation. TriggerInterval is not used. Most barcode scanners perform one barcode scan per trigger


An IReaderOperation to report the battery status

IsTriggerHardware is false

TriggerIndex is 0 this is a manual operation

TriggerInterval is not used. Most barcode scanners perform one barcode scan per trigger


An IReaderOperation to find a transponder specified by Filter


An IReaderOperation that uses the change in trigger state of the specified TriggerIndex to trigger the barcode on the host device


An IReaderOperation that is hardware triggered that performs inventory while the trigger is pressed


An IReaderOperation to perform inventory either manually or using a soft trigger (commanded from host while trigger pressed)


An IReaderOperation to perform a TagAccess operation on one or more transponders either manually or using a soft trigger (commanded from host while trigger pressed)


Adds methods to the IReader interface required by IReaderOperations


Identifies the trigger source for an IReaderOperation



Defines the memory banks of a EPC global C1G2 transponder


The states of a reader operation


Identifies the tag access operation to perform


Identifies fields per transponder to return


Provides a hint for a TagFilter


The state of the IReaderOperationFindTag