Table of Contents

Namespace TechnologySolutions.Rfid.AsciiProtocol.Commands

The namespace contains the ASCII Protocol commands that can be sent to the reader. There is a command class for each command documented in the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol and public properties on the command for each of the parameters.

Command Identifiers

Each ASCII Protocol command has a two letter command identifier which is shown in the Class summary (e.g. .iv for the InventoryCommand)

Command Parameters

Where a Property represents an ASCII Command parameter it has an AsciiParameterAttribute assigned that identifies the command parameter for that property

For example the IsBarcodeEscaped property of the BarcodeCommand has a AsciiParameterAttribute e because it represents the e parameter of the barcode command (e.g. .bc -e on if the property is set to true)

Response Headers

Where a Property is provided on the command that represents a response header an AsciiResponseAttribute is used. When the command is executed, such that the command receives its own response, the response headers will be populated with the response.

For example the SerialNumber property of the VersionInformationCommand has a AsciiResponseAttribute US because it receives the US: <serial number> response line of a response to a .vr command



The .ab Abort Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ab) A command to terminate the current command and any pending commands. It also stops any software switch presses that are in progress.


Base class for commands that support -n -p -x


The .al Alert Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.al) An alert command to send to the reader to sound an alert and/or update the alert settings


Base class for commands that support -n -p -x -al -dt


Base class for all ASCII commands


The .ar Autorun Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ar) Autorun Command. Where supported by the reader, this command is used to read/write/delete/execute the AUTO.TXT file. This file can be on the micro SD card, or the readers small, internal file. This command cannot be used in an Autorun file. NB The internal file is limited to 256 bytes.


The .bc Barcode Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.bc) A command to scan a barcode


The .bl Battery Level Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.bl) A command to query the reader for battery status information Note: This does not yet expose the charging status via a property but the 'CH:' line is captured in the response property


The .bp Block Permalock transponder Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.bp) Block Permalock transponder command. Reads or writes the block permalock bits to protect user memory


The .bt Bluetooth® functions of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.bt) A command to configure of read the Bluetooth parameters


The .da Date Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.da) A command to obtain or set the date of the reader's real time clock


The .ec Echo of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ec) This command determines whether the command sent is echoed back to the host or not


The .ea Execute Autorun Command (Deprecated) of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ea) This command will force the autorun file to run


The .fd Factory Defaults Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.fd) A command to reset the reader to its default configuration


The .ft FindTag Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ft) ASCII command to perform find a transponder by EPC. Performs/configures find transponder using the reader. When armed, use the trigger to start/stop finding and double-click to disarm. RP: response is scaled across min/max RSSI seen.


The .hc HID config Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.hc) HID configuration command (.hc) to set the delay between HID characters sent


Base class for the HID configuration commands


The .hd HID configuration for double press switch action of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.hd) Command to configure the headers and terminators sent for the switch double press in HID mode


The .sh Serial HID Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.sh) HID serial is used to configure the reader to send HID ASCII responses over the serial port connection.


The .hs HID configuration for single press switch action of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.hs) Command to configure the headers and terminators sent for the switch single press in HID mode


The .iv Inventory Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.iv) ASCII command to perform an inventory


(.ki) A command to kill transponders that match the specified select criteria KillTransponderCommand


The .ki Kill command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ki) A command to kill transponders that match the specified select criteria


The .lk Licence Key of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.lk) This command reads, writes and deletes the Licence Key stored in the reader’s non-volatile memory. The Licence Key can be up to 127 characters long and can contain any printable characters with the exception of double quotes ("). How the licence key function is used is up to the programmer, it could be used to store a simple password or some form of hashing could be used with the two unique strings, the serial number and Bluetooth address, returned from the .vr command.


The @protocol.commands.lp of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.lp) This command reads and sets the current RF link profile.


(.lo) A command to lock transponders that match the specified select criteria LockTransponderCommand


The .lo Lock command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.lo) A command to lock transponders that match the specified select criteria


The .mt Mount / Dismount internal memory of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.mt) Mounts or dismounts the internal memory, when connected via USB, on readers that support internal memory


Base class for commands that have parameters (i.e. support -p -x)


Base class for commands that query and select transponders


The .ra Read the Autorun File (Deprecated) of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ra) A command to read the Autorun file from the device


The .rl Read the Log file of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.rl) A command to read the log file from the device


The .rd Read transponder Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.rd) A command to read data from the memory banks of one or more transponders


The .sr Show Region of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.sr) ASCII command to show the regulatory information for the reader


The .sl . Sleep of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.sl) A command to send the reader to sleep as soon as it has responded to this command Note: this will disconnect the reader from the terminal


The .st Sleep Timeout of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.st) Sets the timeout before the reader sleeps if there are no connections to the reader


The .sa Switch Action Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.sa) A command to set the action of the reader's switch


The .pd Push Switch Double press of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.pd) A command that activates the double press switch action for the specified number of seconds


The .dp User defined switch Double Press action of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.dp) Command to set the "usr" action for the switch double press


The .ps Push Switch Single press of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ps) A command that activates the single press switch action for the specified number of seconds


The .sp User defined switch Single Press action of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.sp) Command to set the "usr" action of the switch single press


The .ss Switch State Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ss) ASCII command to query the switch state


(.sy) A command to modify (non-RF) Reader options


The .tm Time Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.tm) A command to obtain or set the time of the reader's real-time clock


Base class for transponders that perform tag access (require access password -ap)


Base class for commands that read or write transponder memory


The .ts Transponder Select of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ts) This command is used to set the state of transponders. It pushes matching and non-matching transponders in to the state determined by the -sa parameter. This command can only be used with persistent target sessions as the carrier will be turned off after the command.


Base class for commands that return one or more transponders


The .vr Version information Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.vr) A command to query the reader for version information


The .wa Write command to Autorun file (Deprecated) of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.wa) Writes an ASCII command to the Autorun file


The .ws Write Single transponder Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.ws) A command to write data to the memory banks of a single transponder only


The .wr Write transponder Command of the Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol

(.wr) A command to write data to the memory banks of one or more transponders