Table of Contents

Enum SelectAction


Specifies the action to perform on an inventoried transponder in ISelectParameters

public enum SelectAction
Extension Methods


[EnumExtension("0", "Match: Assert Select / Set Session A Non Match: Deassert Select / Set Session B")] AssertSetANotDeassertSetB = 0

Match: Assert Select / Set Session A Non Match: Deassert Select / Set Session B

[EnumExtension("1", "Match: Assert Select / Set Session A Non Match: Nothing / Nothing")] AssertSetANotNothingNothing = 1

Match: Assert Select / Set Session A Non Match: Nothing / Nothing

[EnumExtension("4", "Match: Deassert Select / Set Session B Non Match: Assert Select / Set Session A")] DeassertSetBNotAssertSetA = 4

Match: Deassert Select / Set Session B Non Match: Assert Select / Set Session A

[EnumExtension("5", "Match: Deassert Select / Set Session B Non Match: Nothing / Nothing")] DeassertSetBNotNothingNothing = 5

Match: Deassert Select / Set Session B Non Match: Nothing / Nothing

[EnumExtension("6", "Match: Nothing / Nothing Non Match: Assert Select / Set Session A")] NothingNothingNotAssertSetA = 6

Match: Nothing / Nothing Non Match: Assert Select / Set Session A

[EnumExtension("2", "Match: Nothing / Nothing Non Match: Deassert Select / Set Session B")] NothingNothingNotDeassertSetB = 2

Match: Nothing / Nothing Non Match: Deassert Select / Set Session B

[EnumExtension("7", "Match: Nothing / Nothing Non Match: Toggle / Toggle")] NothingNothingNotToggleToggle = 7

Match: Nothing / Nothing Non Match: Toggle / Toggle

[EnumExtension("3", "Match: Toggle / Toggle Non Match: Nothing / Nothing")] ToggleToggleNotNothingNothing = 3

Match: Toggle / Toggle Non Match: Nothing / Nothing


select( TSL_SelectTarget_NotSpecified = 0, @"", @"Not specified" )
select( TSL_SelectTarget_S0, @"s0", @"Session 0" )
select( TSL_SelectTarget_S1, @"s1", @"Session 1" )
select( TSL_SelectTarget_S2, @"s2", @"Session 2" )
select( TSL_SelectTarget_S3, @"s3", @"Session 3" )
select( TSL_SelectTarget_SL, @"sl", @"Select" )