Namespace TechnologySolutions.Rfid.AsciiProtocol
An AsciiCommander instance is created and responders added to its ResponderChain usually including the SynchronousDispatchResponder to allow synchronous commands to be executed. the AsciiCommander is connected to a reader using the IReaderConnectionManager to create and then assign an IAsciiSerialTransport to the Transport property.
- AsciiCommandAttribute
This attribute is used to identify the class as an Technology Solutions UK Ltd ASCII 2 Protocol command. It reports the parameter identifier as written to the command line
- AsciiCommandExecutorBase
A base class that implements responder chain management
- AsciiCommander
TSLAsciiCommander provides methods to communicate with TSL devices that use the TSL ASCII 2.0 Protocol Instances of this class support: •communication with any TSL Reader via an IAsciiSerialTransport •execution of an IAsciiCommand either synchronously or asynchronously •management of the responder chain for data received from the TSL device
- AsciiLineEventArgs
Provides data for a received line
- AsciiParameterAttribute
This attribute is used to identify the parameter property of a AsciiCommandBase. It reports the parameter identifier as written to the command line and the group to which the parameter belongs
- AsciiProtocolException
A base class for Exceptions
- AsciiResponder
Extends the AsciiResponse to actually respond to commands
- AsciiResponse
Provides a base implementation of IAsciiResponse
- AsciiResponseAttribute
This attribute is used to identify which properties on a command are updated when the command receives a complete response. It identifies the response header to which the property corresponds.
- AsciiResponseExtensions
Extensions methods for the IAsciiResponseLine
- AsciiResponseLine
Represents an ASCII response line (e.g. ME: message)
- AsciiTransponderResponder
Extends the AsciiResponder to also capture a list of transponder responses
- BarcodeEventArgs
EventArgs where a barcode has been scanned
- BatteryHealth
Provides advanced battery health information from the BatteryStatusCommand.
- CommandHelper
Provides utility methods for helping with commands
- CommandParser
Provides operations for commands
- CommandSequencer
Provides a unique command identifier for each command sent (where commands are indexed)
- ConfigurationConstants
Constants used for LibraryConfiguration
- ConnectionException
Connection Exceptions are thrown for exception relating to an ASCII protocol connection
- ConnectionLostEventArgs
Reports an error that caused an IAsciiSerialTransport to drop / close
- Constants
Global constants for the library
- DataBlock
Represents a block of binary data (byte array)
- DataBlock.Base16Encoding
Provides methods to convert to and from Base16 encoding
- EnumExtensionAttribute
An attribute to extend an Enum value to have a parameter and description
- EnumExtensions
Extension methods for the parameter Enumerations
- ExecuteExtensions
Extensions methods to execute a command
- FileDownloadResponder
An implementation of the IAsciiCommandResponder to capture the Autorun and Log files from a device. This responder should be inserted at the top of the responder chain as this responder is high traffic and will consume all the file (marking each line as processed) so it does not have to 'visit' all the responders in the chain. On seeing the start of a download a temporary file is created. All the lines are written out to the file until the download is complete. Then an event is raised with the filename to be copied to a sensible location
- LibraryConfiguration
Provides configuration for parameters used across the library that change based on the connected reader
- LibraryConfigurationSet
Default implementation of ILibraryConfiguration
- LockPayload
Encapsulates the restrictions available to protect an EPC C1G2 transponder
- LoggerResponder
A simple responder that inserts every line it sees, preceded by '>', into the standard log file
- ResponderChainExceptionArgs
Provides the exception that occurred while processing the ResponderChain
- SwitchAsynchronousResponder
Implements a responder that can capture the Asynchronous changes in switch state that are reported when the switch action command is used to enable asynchronous notification of changes in switch state
- SwitchStateEventArgs
Provides data for an event where the SwitchState has changed
- SynchronousDispatchResponder
This is a special TSLAsciiCommandResponder that is inserted into the responder chain to handle synchronous commands. This responder uses its synchronousCommandDelegate to find the currently executing synchronous command. If such a command exists then this responder forwards calls to processReceivedLine:moreLinesAvailable: to the synchronous command's synchronousCommandResponder
- TransponderData
Represents a transponder response from an Inventory, read or write command
- TransponderDataEventArgs
EventArgs when a transponder is reported from an inventory
- TransponderDatasEventArgs
Represents a collection of transponders reported from an inventory
- TransponderResponder
Processes responses looking for transponder header and collects into a transponder. Calls the TransponderReceivedHandler for each transponder received
- DatabankOffset
Helper method to provide the locations of well-known fields within a C1G2 transponder
- EnumExtension
Internal class to provide extended functionality to the defined enums
- IAsciiCommand
Defines an ASCII command that can be performed on any device supporting the TSL ASCII 2.0 Protocol
- IAsciiCommandExecuting
Defines the responsibilities of classes that can execute and respond to a TSLAsciiCommand
- IAsciiCommandResponder
The interface for classes that handle responses from ASCII 2.x commands
- IAsciiCommandSynchronousResponder
Extends IAsciiCommandResponder to provide properties and methods required for synchronous execution
- IAsciiCommander
Provides methods and properties to handle the execution of IAsciiCommands
- IAsciiConfigurableSerialTransport
Provides an interface to configure connection to a Technology Solutions ASCII Protocol reader. The connection is closed by disposing the instance
- IAsciiResponder
Provides an event to notify listeners as lines are received as part of a command response
- IAsciiResponderChain
Provides methods and properties to manipulate the responder chain used to process command responses
- IAsciiResponse
A response to as IAsciiCommand
- IAsciiResponseLine
Represents a single line of ASCII response with a header, colon separator and value (e.g. ME: this is a message)
- IAsciiResponseResponder
Extends the IAsciiResponse with the IAsciiResponder event
- IAsciiSerialTransport
Provides a connection to a Technology Solutions ASCII Protocol reader. The connection is closed by disposing the instance
- IAsciiSerialTransportConsumer
Interface providing access to an IAsciiSerialTransport instance
- ILibraryConfiguration
Provides parameters that affect the library behaviour based on the connected reader
- IReaderConnection
Provides an interface to connect and disconnect from a reader
- AlertDuration
The set of values that are appropriate for the AlertDuration
- AsciiResponseRepeat
Determines the number of times a response header will repeat
- AuthenticationChipStatus
Indicates the status of the Apple Authentication Chip Status
- BatterySaverMode
Defines the Reader's Battery Saver Mode
- BluetoothMode
Provides values for the BluetoothMode value
- BuzzerTone
Provides values for the BuzzerTone value
- BuzzerVolume
Provides values for the BuzzerVolume value
- ChargeStatus
Indicates the status of charging
- Confirmation
The set of values that are appropriate for the confirming an optional parameter
- Databank
Specify the databank to use in IDatabankParameters
- DuplicateRemovalMode
Sets the mode for duplicate removal at the reader level
- ErrorCode
The well known error codes reported by the reader for the ER: response
- MemoryBankRestriction
Options to secure a memory bank using LockPayload
- PasswordRestriction
Options to secure a transponder password using LockPayload
- PermalockMode
Specifies the Permalock mode for the BlockPermalockTransponderCommand command
- PopLoqMode
Specifies the ePop-Loq mode for the FactoryDefaultsCommand command
- QAlgorithm
Specifies a Q algorithm to use in IQAlgorithmParameters
- QtMode
Specifies the QT mode for the ReadTransponderCommand and WriteTransponderCommand commands
- QuerySelect
Specifies the query select type in IQueryParameters
- QuerySession
Specifies the query session in IQueryParameters
- QueryTarget
Specifies the query target in IQueryParameters
- ReconnectMode
The Bluetooth reconnect mode
- SelectAction
Specifies the action to perform on an inventoried transponder in ISelectParameters
- SelectTarget
Specifies the session to target in ISelectParameters
- StartStop
Allows a command to be started or stopped
- SwitchAction
Types of switch action
- SwitchState
Defines the switch current state
- TransmitMode
Determines how data is sent in HID mode
- TransponderAccessErrorCode
Codes returned from the reader when a transponder access operation fails (Header = "EA")
- TransponderBackscatterErrorCode
Codes returned from the transponder when a tag access operation fails
- TransponderWriteExtension
Defines the Impinj Extension options for the BlockWrite command as used with BlockWrite
- TransponderWriteMode
Determines the Class One Generation Two command used by the reader to perform write operations on a transponder
- TriState
Allows an action to be set on or off or not specified to leave the current value unchanged
- TriggerMode
The trigger modes available when in HID mode
- TriggerOperatingMode
The trigger modes possible on Series 3 Readers